Member Benefits

A Letter from the COA

Dear Fellow Professionals,

Once again, the Board of Directors and I invite you to rejoin the Invisible Army that monitors, protects and preserves the privilege of every optician to earn a living in our state. While it may sometimes seem that the COA is not always visible to our constituency, we have not been neglecting our responsibilities. Again this year, the COA has worked to defend your right to practice in our state. The Connecticut Opticians Association is the only professional association which represents you at the Capital. This is a very critical point and must be recognized.

The COA is the ONLY association which monitors legislation and other activity, daily, on both the national and state levels. This assures your continued professional status as an optician. Today’s competitive climate presents new challenges to the COA. We recognize you have options when choosing where and from whom you receive your continuing education credits. As with most things in life, cost is a factor and the COA recognizes that.

We are a not-for-profit organization established in 1935. Connecticut was the first licensed state in the country. The founders of the Connecticut Opticians Association established that honor. The objectives of the COA are clearly stated in our By-Laws:

A. Promote a broader understanding and acceptance of professional opticianry as indispensable to the health and welfare of the general public in Connecticut

B. Encourage, provide and promote standards of optical competence, knowledge and performance through the development of educational programs, training, and credentialing of optician personnel

C. Promote advancement of the science and art of opticianry to provide state-of-the- art eye care to the public

D. Promote legal recognition of opticianry within all state and federal health care programs and insurance providers for the dispensing of eyewear, contact lenses and other optical products to the public

E. Promote and defend the right of every person to have the freedom of choice in selecting an optician provider for optical services

F. Encourage a liaison with the board of examiners for opticians to promote objective task oriented testing for entry level knowledge and practical skills assessment.

Income from your dues goes towards promoting our long established objectives. There is no question, without the COA, opticianry in Connecticut has no voice. There are other groups and persons in Connecticut that have attempted to divide our membership. When considering membership in another group, or attending seminars offered by our competition, be sure to ask yourself, Where does that money go? Does it support objectives which endorse Connecticut opticianry? It is ironic that while these others groups and individuals attempt to divide the COA, we continue to support and protect their careers as opticians. And, if you’ve let your membership lapse, or have never joined, well, we support and protect you too.

We recognize the expense of COA dues. But ask yourself what would it cost you if there were significant changes to your license? Please keep this in mind when you see those competing CEC classes. No other organization or individual offering CECs in Connecticut contributes One Cent to support opticians in Connecticut.

Be proud of your COA membership. When you join or renew your dues, you demonstrate your respect and commitment to your career. You become part of the Invisible Army. Be proud of being a member of an association which has only one agenda: promoting, protecting educating and evolving opticianry as a profession.

As a democratic body committed to our members, we encourage you to participate in the ways we serve you; the will of the members is the will of the board. Become a part of the process, attend meetings and consider a position on our Board of Directors. Connecticut opticians must be unified. Don’t ignore your responsibilities to your profession. Renew your dues, or join as a new member.

Support the only association in Connecticut which supports you, no matter who you are, or where you practice.

Yours in Opticianry,
Emily R. DeLarm, LO

The Connecticut Opticians Association gratefully acknowledges the support of these industry sponsors:

ABO Speaker Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
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Platinum Sponsor
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Gold Level Sponsor
Patron Sponsor
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We also extend our thanks to these sponsors: